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Old May 11, 2006, 10:33 AM // 10:33   #61
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Dude STFU, you don't like it you know what? I DON'T CARE.[...]
Grow up kid. And learn some manners.
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Old May 11, 2006, 10:43 AM // 10:43   #62
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Originally Posted by YunSooJin
Also, since people haven't voiced it, I think Sekkira is a moron. Talk about a narrow minded oppressive view. Small world you live in. And with that, I will go lurk s'more.
No, I'm an asshole and you're an idiot.
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Old May 11, 2006, 10:52 AM // 10:52   #63
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Originally Posted by artay
Think Of Factions as a big cake and analysing and nit picking as in eating it. Do you take out the cake when it is still developing and say THIS CAKE TASTES WRONG?? NO you dont, you let the cake bake and wait till its ready b4 eating it. then if your lucky you may get a few sprinkles on top eg SF.

Lol rant me if you want, I can take it. *braces Self*
Factions is a small cake, good tasting but soon devoured. And no sprinklings planned according to Gaile IIRC.
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:06 AM // 11:06   #64
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@ Kaguya: All those games you mention... suck. I guess Im old school, or maybe just old, but I like my games with a little content not a bunch of stupid cut scenes and fancy graphics. Ill trade graphics and movie scenes for longer gameplay any day. Im not alone on this. In the day, games were 60+ hours long, thats if you didnt do all the little things. Now game makers struggle to provide us with 20+ hours. Thats crap. With all the technology at our grasp, we should be getting 100+ hours and great graphics. ANET let me down, and many others... and not because its a rehash, its actually worse than the first, and shorter. That reminds me of all the sequals to the original Batman... after the first they all got worse.
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:18 AM // 11:18   #65
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Originally Posted by LordMahal
In the day, games were 60+ hours long, thats if you didnt do all the little things. Now game makers struggle to provide us with 20+ hours. Thats crap.

That is bullshit and you know it.
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:24 AM // 11:24   #66
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That is bullshit and you know it.
How old are you man?
Computer games existed before mid-90s you know?
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:25 AM // 11:25   #67
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Originally Posted by LordMahal
@ Kaguya: All those games you mention... suck. I guess Im old school, or maybe just old, but I like my games with a little content not a bunch of stupid cut scenes and fancy graphics. Ill trade graphics and movie scenes for longer gameplay any day. Im not alone on this. In the day, games were 60+ hours long, thats if you didnt do all the little things. Now game makers struggle to provide us with 20+ hours. Thats crap. With all the technology at our grasp, we should be getting 100+ hours and great graphics. ANET let me down, and many others... and not because its a rehash, its actually worse than the first, and shorter. That reminds me of all the sequals to the original Batman... after the first they all got worse.
Pacman took hardly 20 hours to play through. Bubble Bobble took hardly 20 hours to play through. 1942 took hardly 20 hours to play though. Impossible Mission took hardly 20 hours to play through. They Stole a Million took hardly 20 hours to play through. The Great Escape didn't take 20 hours to complete. In fact, they took like.. hour or two. Just getting the required skill to complete the game took some time

Just name one game that took over 20 hours to complete back in the day.

There were true gems such as Ultima series, and that came spread over on 4 floppies and lot of disk swapping, but mostly the games back in the day were quick arcade games that were very quick once you became skilled enough. Tho there are similar gems still, that take more than 'standard' hours to complete, but they are spread far and apart like they were back in the old day. Then again, those games could be rushed through in the same way any new game can

Last edited by Kaguya; May 11, 2006 at 11:28 AM // 11:28..
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:27 AM // 11:27   #68
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Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
Dude STFU, you don't like it you know what? I DON'T CARE.
Why shoot a response if you truly don't care?

Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
I'm tired of everyone saying
So? We have our right to free speech, don't like to read our posts? Leave these forums and never come back again.

Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
"well people say factions suck" know what? I LOVE THE GAME everyone in my guild loves the game. as far as the OP goes, you know nothing of Medal of Honor or Metroid,
I bow down to your godly knowledge of games, and no, I don't know what Medel of Honour is or Metroid is, nor do I want to know.

Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
that tells me that you are not a gamer,
So? Get a life dude.

Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
thus GW was probably your 1st game, thus you don't know that some sequls are nothing more than rehashes of previous releases, while some are completely new.
So.. why can't GW be the latter?

Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
You think people don't like Factions cause some morons post they don't like it?
I thought you said you don't care?

Originally Posted by Sol Deathgard
Wanna know why I haven't posted that I love Factions?
Do you think we care?
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:31 AM // 11:31   #69
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Originally Posted by Kaguya
Pacman took hardly 20 hours to play through.
Woah, woah, woah! Under 20 hours?! Then what the HELL was I doing wrong?
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:37 AM // 11:37   #70
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Well from a console point of view, there is no way in hell you completed games like FF and Dragon warrior in 20 hours or less. Im sure you didnt finish any of the Wizardry titles in under 20 hours either. Did you beat Diablo with the expansion in less than 20 hours? Morrowind? Come on now, games from 10 years ago didnt boast great graphics, but the gameplay was there and more than made up for it.
Sekkira... What part of what i said dont you like... the part of games are 20 hours or less part or the fact that games used to be 60+. Both things are true to my playing knowledge. I dont blame the game makers for cranking out title after title, its money I understand. However, ripping off people time and again, boasting things that are not true and releasing unfinished products is just not right.
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:49 AM // 11:49   #71
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Originally Posted by LordMahal
Did you beat Diablo with the expansion in less than 20 hours?
Easy, the game isn't that large. Hack, hack, rush, find stairs, hack, hack. Rinse and repeat.

Besides, it is true, lot of games had the kickass gameplay and the originality that few games reach these days. Why is that? They just don't sell.

Kids just want their generic CounterStrike and NHL clones from every tube, preferably with girls with big boobs and miniskirts.

The games that dare to be different, like Jagged Alliance-series and System Shock-series to name the couple I can think straight away were excellent in pretty much every way, but the developer companies went bankrupt soon because the titles didn't attract the large audience, even if they had a large group of diehard fans. Rest in piece, Sirtech and Looking Glass Fallout-series almost joined the group, but luckily Bethesda picked the Fallout3 project up again, high hopes on that particular game.

And since almost every game these days is the generic doodoo, one can hardly blame Anet from pushing out a game "that can be completed in 20 hours.". Every game these days can, but not every game have the replay value that Factions for example has. Most of the games are just play through and be done with it.

Last edited by Kaguya; May 11, 2006 at 11:51 AM // 11:51..
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Old May 11, 2006, 11:59 AM // 11:59   #72
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Another long pointless rant which doesnt actually mean anything.

I love having a reason to go back to places that I have already traversed in Guildwars, especially Factions! the graphics are beautifull and stunning, the artwork is rich and full of culture, the landscapes and monsters that populate them are unique and always interesting to see again and again!

Compare this to ANY other MMO where you are repetativly taken through the exact same places over and over again... give me factions ANY day!
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:06 PM // 12:06   #73
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I don't own GW:Factions yet, so I will try to keep my comments somewhat neutral. I've been reading through the forums and talking to my guildmates about wether it is worthwhile for me to get the expansion.

With my crap statistics I can probably say that 70% like it and 30% don't like it.

But when you think of it, 30% is actually a lot of people who are disappointed. Again, I might not be correct. :P

I've been reading throught the posts and from what I have read is that some players feel that they have been cheated and lied to by Anet, because they have been promised better gameplay. I can say for myself that I had gone to the preview event and the game was barely finished. Some weapons had not even been rendered yet.

But everyone has to understand that Anet has painted themselves into a corner. They made the mistake of announcing that they will churn out expansions every 6 months. Compared to other games like Halo 2 and Halo 3 which took at least 1.5 years each to complete, but Anet had to keep up with their promise that they will provide everyone with new content every 6 months.

If they delayed the release date of Factions, people will complain. If they released a rushed game on schedule, people will still complain. Either way Anet is screwed by the fans. I still give them credit for trying to keep to their promises and providing us with updates. However, the price tag of $50 is unjustified for a relatively 'unfinished' game.

We still can't blame Anet because it's impossible to make 'uber' great games under 6 months. 6 months is barely enough time for Westwood to design Red Alert. The reason why Prophecies was such a great game was because Anet had planned for it for almost a year. However, Anet *is* at fault for being too ambitious and announced that expansions will be released every 6 months.

My conclusion is that Anet is innocent and at the same time, guilty for the current condition of the expansion. Anet is a young gaming company. If the game is truly as horrible as what the critics said, then give Anet a chance and hopefully they will get better with age.

Last edited by Demesis; May 11, 2006 at 12:18 PM // 12:18..
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:11 PM // 12:11   #74
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We still can't blame Anet because it's impossible to make 'uber' great games under 6 months. 6 months is barely enough time for Westwood to design Red Alert. The reason why Prophecies was such a great game was because Anet had planned for it for almost a year. However, Anet *is* at fault for being too ambitious and announced that expansions will be released every 6 months.
Factions was in development for about a year I think. They have two teams each working on different chapters with overlapping release / dev cycles.
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:15 PM // 12:15   #75
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I still love factions, doing alliance battles and fun missions are awesome with friends Now I do not think Factions was released solely for pve, it has added tons of stuff to pvp and that's what most people move to when they have beaten the game a few times, I can't wait for summer i'll do Heroes ascent all the time
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:28 PM // 12:28   #76
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Totally agree with the OP (and have said similar) - definately feel short-changed over factions - it feels more like an expansion than a stand-alone game and yes it is fair to compare it it to chap 1 as chap 2 cost the same but has a lot less content. Chap 1 took me 2 month's to finish and I played a lot, and the missions/quests were plentiful enough to keep me wanting to play more and take other professions through it yet I've completed Chap 2 in 2 weeks even without rushing or playing as much as chap 1, and tbh with all the back-tracking involved just to pad things out I just can't be arsed to take anymore characters through the tedium. Another problem is the missions/quests themselves - apart from the already mentioned backtracking, they're too easy and there's hardly any challange - nearly all can be completed solo with henchies (unforgivable in a multi-player game) and quiet a few can be run with no henchies at all.

Remember not everyone likes PvP and it's the PvE side thats severly lacking in Factions, yes there's no monthly fee (the main selling point for me - an rpg I can play with mates with no monthly subs), but there's also very little content.
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:28 PM // 12:28   #77
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Originally Posted by baal80
How old are you man?
Computer games existed before mid-90s you know?
Really? My first game was FF7 and that's the best game ever. I can't beleive there were any decent games before it, I mean their graphics must have SUCKED.
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:35 PM // 12:35   #78
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Factions make the PvP player and the PvE player shake their hands, that's another reasone becouse I like it.
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:40 PM // 12:40   #79
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Meh. the first GW took 3 years of developement to get to where it is. Factions is smaller. But, its still a good game.

Apart from that, i would say factions pre-searinf does end when u leave the island. Technically, in relation to prophecies this is not true, but the real end of searing is when the game opens up, not when u stop fighting lvl 10s or get ur secondary proffesion. I like the way they made getting to lvl 20 so much easier. the level a character is at was never of any consequence to me, its not important for a GW title. If anything it reinforces the point that the game is about skill.

Factions for me, is all about how it will change the metagame. New skills and proffesions mean new tactics, and it is very much a clean slate. I cant wait to come up with a killer build, and make some decent progress up the ladder.
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Old May 11, 2006, 12:43 PM // 12:43   #80
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Originally Posted by Snowman
I love having a reason to go back to places that I have already traversed in Guildwars, especially Factions! the graphics are beautifull and stunning, the artwork is rich and full of culture, the landscapes and monsters that populate them are unique and always interesting to see again and again!
Are you talking about the city? The most repetitive place ever and it covers half the game. Full of not so unique assasins, jade brotherhood and afflicted. The only monsters that werent everywhere are vermin.
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